Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan - Moments of Devastation

*DISCLAIMER: All pictures credits belong to Google images and the rightful owners 

March 11, 2011 will be an unforgettable date especially for Japan. Eyes are on the unfortunate country now due to the series of disasters since the 8.9 or later was said to be 9 magnitude Earthquake followed by a massive Tsunami followed by Nuclear Radiation Threat.

The Earthquake

The Tsunami

The Nuclear Radiation Threat

It was truly a series a terror. I can't imagine the fear faced by the victims when the calamity strikes, one after another leaving this trail of severe devastation. Judging from the terrifying videos and photos it's a no brainer why the Prime Minister of Japan will call this series of disasters as Japan's worst since the historical World War 2.

Tsunami aftermath

Nuclear threat radiation measurement and evacuations

My heart goes out to all the victims and may they have the strength to move on after this dreadful tragedy. I also can't help having a self-reflection for myself; how grateful I should be right now for not having to face these distressing events, and how I should be strong in facing my difficulties and troubles which scales can't measure to tragedies like this, and that there are always people out there who are more unfortunate than I am.

P/s: It's all a test for us mere humans.


  1. dari pukul 1520pm 11032011 sampai la 1440pm hari ni (14032011), USGS dah catatkan sebanyak 94 gegaran susulan di sekitar Pulau Honshu yang purata magnitudnya +/- 6.0 pada Richter Scale.(KL Time)

    (Tokyo time GMT +10)

  2. kesianyer tgk gambar last..

    budak2 yg tgh check untuk radiation tue..

  3. Kelly: Huhu..tapi kagum tgk reaksi diorg..sbb rakyat jepun dah selalu kena quake and byk buat drill pasal ni so diorg dah tau ape nak buat..tapi tsunami tu mmg dahsyat..skrg loji nuke lak meletop2..erkk

    Qamarul: tu la..soft spot sket kat budak2 kecik ni...kat paper ade gambar sorang minah ni nangis kebingungan tgk everything hancur..huhu tragis T_T
