Wednesday, February 23, 2011


He was one the smartest and most handsome cats in our family. 
He used to be able to open doors with handle during his younger years, but forgot the act once he grew older.
He had the most agile front pair of frontal feet among all the cats we had and often amuses us by stealing things from other cats using those feet - while the others couldn't imitate this action. 
He knew how to get out attention and tell us he wanted something by patting our thighs softly and look into our eyes with his shiny greens'. 
He wasn't always a lap cat and didn't like being hold, but would suddenly climb onto our laps during colder weathers :P. 
He grew into a more 'manja' cat as he grew older, and didn't mind us holding and carrying him as much as before.

He will be missed dearly :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

TV: Satria Baja Hitam @ Kamen Rider

*pic credit to Google images

Hik hik first super hero ^_^....suke bebenor mase zaman berhingusan dulu hihih..

Personal Photos: Matahari pagi!

Cuaca sejak bbrp hari ni..panas pagi + tengahari...petang hujan...Heheh...tapi best juger panas pagi2 ni ade khasiatnyer + tak menghitamkan huhuhuh..:P

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TV: Ampunkan Daku (2011)

Baru lepas tgk citer ni kat TV3...kebetulan mlm ni xde ape2 agenda lain so apelagi lepak depan TV ler heheheh..

Saya sebenarnya memang suka most of Sheila Rusly and Jinggo's work, although not all..tapi Ampunkan Daku ni memang terkesan juger di hati saya..ade part yang agak cliche tapi overall feel and apa yang nak disampaikan oleh citer ni memang sampai ke hati...I have to give special credit to everyone involves in the production sebab dapat menjayakan satu slot entertainment yang bermakna dan berisi...bukan sekadar hiburan kosong semata-mata :D..yeah keep it up!

Oh lagu yang guna utk themesong tu sedap pulak dengar..nak carikkk kekeke...

*pic credit to Utusan Online

Friday, February 11, 2011

Personal Photos: More Bicycle!

Aww...poor thing T_T...old, broken, rusted, mossy (but not lonely!)...haha..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back in KL!

Dah 3 hari dah sebenarnye balik..dah 2 hari kerja pon tapi sebab cuti lama still dlm mood cuti lagi..uhuks rase mcm tak cukup pulak cuti..tamakke saye ni...haish .. >_<...Lagi-lagi masa dalam bas yang bergerak dengan kelajuan 30-40km/j(kot?) hehehe...Hrmm byk betul kereta haritu sampai 'curi' satu opposite lane pon tak cukup..:P..