Monday, December 13, 2010

Movie: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1(2010)

*pic from Google images

Overall a very exciting movie to me. Some parts that caught my attention the most:
1. Hermione casting the 'obliviate' spell at the beginning of the series  -touching.
2. The trio transform themselves into adults at the ministry of Magic. I love how the adults act like the kids. LOL
3. The many version of 'Harrys'. That was funny and a good kickstart for the movie. Haha.
There are many more interesting parts that I might have left out. In short to me this is a very enjoyable movie albeit being quite dark and scary(yes) at times. I won't recommend this to little kids, or anyone with snake phobia..heheh.


  1. Teringin gak nak tengok..Tapi hari tu 'terbeli' tiket Narnia la plak...Hehehe

  2. Hehe Narnia pon best jugak per :D
